Part 67: 09/17/09 - 09/24/09: Chaos Theory
Alright, so, uh, where were we? Right, about halfway through September. Which I guess means more Fuuka for now.

I think I'll learn some things by watching you cook.

Have you decided what you're going to make today?
As before, it really doesn't matter so...

You even washed the utensils while you were cooking. It's like you have extra hands or something...

Oh, I should write that down too...

"Kotone-chan has a lot of hands"...
> Fuuka is taking all kinds of notes in her thick notebook.
> The pages are filled with small letters...

I took notes on everything you did. All the steps you took to prepare the ingredients.

...I think I'm good at observing and analyzing things.

So I thought that it might work if I attempted cooking from an angle that I'm good at.

Up until now, all I did was try harder.

But saying that I'll try harder each time is tiring.

I'm not actually putting any thought into it...

That's why... I've stopped thinking of attacking everything with that mindset...
That's honestly not a terrible idea. Took long enough!

When I began to think of it that way, it felt much better and I started enjoying what I was doing.

I needed to understand the situation, instead of just being overwhelmed by trying to do my best...

So, I hope that by taking notes, I'll be more likely to succeed.

I couldn't accept the bad parts of me this whole time.

But you saw all the things that were bad about me while you were here cooking with me...

And you always encouraged me even when I messed up...

That's why... I thought I should also try to like myself for who I am.
> Fuuka is smiling gently...
> You feel like you've grown even closer to Fuuka...

Next time, I'll make something too.

I'll do my best!

...Oh, umm... I'll do what I can, and try my best later!
> You cleaned up the room together and headed back to the dorm...
For better or worse, tonight is another night we're spending with Ken. In a lot of ways, the quicker we rip off this particular bandage the better.
After School
> But, he doesn't seem to be eating much.

What's wrong?

Oh, nothing...
> Ken begins eating hurriedly...



I had some snacks a little while ago...


It's true.

I-I see. Then, I'll eat all of this too...
> Could something have happened to him...?

What's the matter?

...It's just that... Um...

I noticed how small I am...
It's because you're a kid, kid.
> Ken seems a little embarrassed...

Um... It'd be nice if I could be like Akihiko-san...



Y-You'd prefer someone like Akihiko-san too, right...?

Nope, not at all.

Oh, r-really?

...I think he's cool.


I... want to hurry and become an adult.
> Ken has a serious look on his face...
> There must be something on Ken's mind...
> You feel like you understand Ken a little better now...

If you get any bigger...

...I won't be able to catch up to you.
> .....
> Ken continues wolfing down his rice...
> You finished your dinner with Ken and returned to the dorm together.
So, anyway, after the typhoon comes, brings Persona Q with it and that's dealt with off-screen (a place where it belongs), we'll go play with Koromaru. Haven't done that in a while!
After School
> Koromaru seems to be in a good mood...
> As you're getting ready to take him out for a walk, Fuuka came by.

Huh? You didn't eat all of it... But it's good meat, with the bone still in.

Did you cook it?

Hey, that's mean! Hmph, as if my food's so bad he won't eat it all.

I bought his dinner today, but...

Koro-chan, are you not going to eat this?

> Koromaru took the meat into his mouth.
> ...But he isn't eating it.
> Koromaru headed towards the door...
> ...In any case, you decide to take him out for a walk.

Not going to eat it?

> Koromaru is quiet...
> ...You realize that if he barks, the meat would fall out of his mouth.
> In any case, you headed towards the shrine...
> Koromaru is twitching his nose...
> You hear a dog's faint cry from somewhere...
> Koromaru is looking around and walking towards the sound...

> The puppy is biting into the meat...

> Koromaru is watching the puppy intently...

How long has it been here?

> Koromaru is looking up at you with his big eyes...
> ...In any case, you can't leave this puppy be.
> .....?
> Upon closer inspection, there's a thin collar around the puppy's neck...
> You should consult Officer Kurosawa about this...

No... There haven't been any reported.

Do you take on jobs like that too?

Heh... No matter how much manpower you have, it won't be enough...

...All right. Might as well give you some direct help for once.

Wait right here.
> Officer Kurosawa began calling places, one after another...

Yes, that is correct...

...I see, thank you very much.


My name is Kurosawa at the Tatsumi East Police Box...
> He seems to be calling the local pet hsops and animal hospitals...

That's correct, a black puppy... Breed? I have no idea...

Huh? There is? Their puppy is missing... Yes.

Koyama-san... I see, the house on the corner of 2nd street. I'll ask them. Thanks very much.
> Officer Kurosawa ended the call in a rather good mood...
> Officer Kurosawa picked up the phone again...

...Hello, is this the Koyama residence? My name is...
> It seems he's found the puppy's owner.

We've found them.

I'll take the puppy from here. It's dark out, so you should head on back.
> Officer Kurosawa patted Koromaru on the head...

> Koromaru seems happy...
> Koromaru is wagging his tail happily...

Glad we found his owner.


> Koromaru is nuzzling you with his nose...
> You feel like Koromaru is thanking you...
> Led by Koromaru, you decide to go back to the dorm.
...Okay, fine, the Koromaru link is a very strong second place contender for best link in the game. Might even edge out first place for some folks and I can't really say they're wrong.
Shame that, even here in Portable, Makoto gets to put up with Yuko's blandness instead of Koromaru.

Speaking of Koromaru, we'll spend a bit more time with him right now.

Not because its a rank up though. Gotta spend another night before we can think of that, but... hey a free Balm of Life is pretty dang good.
After School
So, next is a plot scene. I know, I'm surprised too! Since the typhoon prevented the festival stuff from happening, we need to deal with cleaning up an event that never happened...


Let's do this quick.

Geez, you're so serious all the time. We're allowed to take this easy, y'know?
> You began cleaning up with everyone.

...Oh, isn't this from the summer fellowship?

Look, here's Kotone. You guys went to a school in the countryside, right?

It was a nice place.

Lucky! They had a hot spring too, didn't they?

I wanted to go in one too.

We'll be going to one soon enough.

Eh, it's where everyone goes. I really wish they wouldn't make us go to all the shrines and stuff.
> Kenji and Kazushi have arrived...
> They seem to have brought cleaning supplies with them...

So, Yukari-san. Why don't I show you around Kyoto when we go?

How did we jump onto that subject...? Anyways, did you find a nail puller?

Yeah, Kazushi brought all of them.

You've got a bunch to choose from.

We just needed one or two... Aren't the guys in the other classes going to need them too?

Oh, y-you're right... I'll go return the rest!

Uh, well... I don't think you need to go right away. Just if someone asks.

I-I see... Then I'll leave them here!

You know... When you're with girls... Well, more like when you're with Yukari-san...


...That reminds me. Junpei, you were in charge of the popping stuff.

Did you bring some?

Popping stuff...?
Parts of this scene are identical to before, but they're still pretty quick all things considered.

Ohhh! The bubble wrap.


Good call, Kenji. Go get it. You know where they keep all this stuff right?

Well, yeah, but... I just got back from there.

You go get it. You're the one who forgot in the first place.

Huh? Are you sure? You really don't wanna go?

That place is like a paradise, you know that? Some fine chicas there who'd be just your type...

W-Wait, are you serious!? Be right back, guys!

...Yeah, like I'd fall for that, dumbass. What kind of supply room is stocked with hot babes?

She's like a pissed-off samurai...

I heard that!

Geez... Are you stupid or something?

More like Stupei, I think.

D-Deja vu...!

*sigh* Fine... I'll go to the supply room later...

But man... it's a real shame the school festival fell through.

They said it would be open to everyone, so I was planning on jumping in.

Huh? You, cross-dressing!? Oh hell no...


Nah, no way...

You were just imagining it just now, huh? I must've been super cute.

Well, I'd be a lot better at it than you. You'd just look creepy.

...I don't think you needed to go that far.

I mean, hey, I'd be cuter than Kaz here, right?

Me? Why would I...

You hear that, Kaz? He just said you'd lose. Are you gonna take that from him?

Wha...!? There's no doubt that I'd be the cutest!

I'd be the cutest one in school!
Well... at least Aigis gets more lines in this version.

Well, duh. You're...

I am a female type, so female clothes would be...

Okay, okay! Let's just stop there!

Kotone-san, what do you think? Whose cross-dressing would be the most "super-cute"?


Well, there's no question that she would be "super cute."

I dunno how you can say stuff like that so easily...

Alright, you better move outta the way. You guys are holding everything up.


What're you trying to say?

Uh, nothing...

He is saying that your personality is not cute.

Yeah, I got that.

...Ai-chan, you gotta know when to speak up and when to stay quiet.

If you don't learn, Yuka-tan's gonna give you the evil eye...

K-Kaz! Say something!

Y-You gotta use your guts!

For what!?

Th-That reminds me. It's a shame you never got to wear that maid costume, Yukari-san.


Ughhh... So word got out about that. I'm relieved it never happened...

But I bet lotsa guys were really disappointed... right, Kazushi?

Huh? R-Really?

A pure soul...!

Oh, it's something that... guys like Junpei dream about.


W-Wait a sec, what's that look for? You act like I did something!


You gotta be kidding! You too, Aigis!?
> You finished cleaning up while chatting with everyone...
And that's where it just ends here. How nice, I guess.

...But I think that's enough nice things for now. Hey Saori, are you gonna finally get around to having real content?
> An announcement is being made...
Announcement: Saori Hasegawa of class 2-C... Kotone Shiomi of class 2-F... Please report to the faculty office at once. I repeat...

...They're calling for us?

Well, let's go.

Yeah, let's see what's up.
Hey look, Ekoda does still have a job here. Somehow. And he's still a gigantic dickhead. The more things change...
> Mr. Ekoda slams a magazine on the desk...
> A large heading reads:


This is your picture, isn't it!?
> There is a photo with that article.
> The name has been changed to "Shiori Nagatani"

I'm not even going into the filth in this article. Some brainless journalist must have talked to you.
> You quickly skim through the article that Mr. Ekoda threw on the desk...

I... never...

Another student from this school brought this to my attention, saying "my school's reputation is ruined!"

She also made a report on you:

"...and she never interacts with us because she thinks she's superior to the rest of the students."
Oh, so she IS a high schooler!


In other words, your reputation is terrible. I'm not surprised you'd stoop to doing something like this.

This affects not only you, but your guardians and the people around you as well.

...Anyway, it's been decided that you're going to be suspended. Do you understand?


You've got this all wrong!
why the fuck am i even here then

You think you can change that? Hm?

We have to make an example for the other students and their parents.

There must be punishment.

Your parents told us to be careful about you...

Now I see why.

...You have such wonderful parents, Hasegawa. Why are you doing this to them?

> You both left the Faculty Office and decided to go home for today...

If you stay near me, you're going to lose any reputation you had.

Don't worry about it.


Thank you...

That article's a lie...

I didn't say anything...

...But I did let a photographer take a picture of me.

He wanted a shot with me in my uniform...

Look what 4000 yen got me into...

Didn't you suspect this?

No... It didn't even cross my mind at all...

A girl in my class asked if I'd be willing to do an easy job...

I didn't really want to do it, but I didn't care...

...Maybe I just wanted to help her out.

Maybe... I just wanted a friend.
> Saori laughs...

I really am older than everyone now...

When I was younger, everyone said that I was more mature than the kids around me and wouldn't have young friends...

But adults were kind and treated me well...


But everything... was a lie.
> Saori smiles, but appears to be on the brink of tears...

I acted just how the adults around me wanted me to act...

All I had to do was smile and stay quiet.

As long as I did that, they'd call me cute and be happy with me.

It's too late now... I don't know how to stand on my own anymore.

I'm too scared...

I'm with you.

> Saori's lips tremble...
> You feel like you understand a little about what Saori is going through...


I know I shouldn't be feeling this way, but part of me is happy and thankful that you were with me...

I probably... wouldn't be able to endure this myself...
> You made sure Saori got home safely before heading back to the dorm...
Well, at least something is finally happening in Saori's link. Probably. Took long enough.

...So how about that Ken? I hear he's available today and Shinji isn't.
Warm Feeling
> But, he doesn't seem to have much of an appetite today.

What's the matter?

> Ken seems depressed...

I'm sorry...

Um... I always make you listen to me talk...

It's not good, huh...

Actually, I want to hear more.

But it's no fun to listen to a little kid like me...

Why... are you so...



I'm going to be serious here, so please listen to what I have to say...

Remember the manga I talked about before...?

The one with the alien hero who fights bad guys...?

...Hey, if you didn't want 'em I totally would've taken the lot!

I'll buy you a different series.

No, it's okay.

...Thank you, though.

Fighting isn't a good thing...

But, I enjoyed reading it...

Don't worry about it.


Reading it got me all excited...

It was really cool when tons of bad guys were dying, too...

What's not good is the inability to differentiate reality from fiction. Maybe we should do something about that.
> Ken looks like he's about to cry...

I hate that I feel that way...

You're okay the way you are.

It's okay...


Why do you say things like that?

I'm... trying so hard.

Let's, uh, let's try to not make this weird.

> You feel that you understand Ken a little better now.

... Does your food taste good, Kotone-san?

I was getting worried that yours might taste bad too, if you're with me...

That's not true.

I-I see.

I'm glad to hear that.

...You're so nice, Kotone-san.

I'd... like to have dinner with you again.


I mean it.
> You and Ken finished your dinner and returned to the dorm together.
...Whew boy, September is very long even in this timeline, huh? Gonna need one last push, but first I need a break because dealing with this much Ken and also some of Saori is kinda tiring...